Under a watchful eye
It’s the background noise,
The pressure bearing down,
The bills, the watching,
That mean you have no choice,
The grind that steals your voice.
It’s take and take and take,
Slowly and imperceptibly,
Subsuming you,
From the moment that you wake,
To the sleep that’s no escape.
It always wants more,
Just another five minutes,
Maybe an hour,
Always keeping score,
On when you walk out the door.
Your service isn’t expected they say,
But watch them note,
Because, below the surface,
They think whatever they pay,
Delivers a right to your whole day.
So you’re held by it, robbed by it
Shackled, surveilled,
It’s a fantasy to quit,
When the paymaster, politely, asks “submit”.
Another musing as part of this month’s ALE topic of Capitalism. A slightly different angle on the same “locked in” feeling I covered last time. I often think about the way work is so easily extended into our lives particularly in the internet era. The office email on your phone being a prime example… but I also think about the ways we’re routinely pressured into working beyond what we’re paid for in a multitude of ways. Where I used to work it typically came in two forms:
“If a customer calls just as you’re leaving do you spare the time and take that call?”
“Why don’t we socialise more after work?”