Five minutes more
“Just five minutes more!
A little longer, I implore!
I’ll keep so quiet, you’ll never hear,
Not a peep, don’t you fear.
One more hour only,
I’ll keep you company; you’ll get lonely!
I’ll have to count too many sheep,
Because I’m not ready to sleep!
Take pity, parents, let me stay longer,
’Til my desire for bed is a little stronger.
We’ll have more fun watching telly,
My eyelids don’t yet feel that heavy.
I’ve got so much energy, I must complain,
See, there’s no need to rest my brain!
Let’s sit and catch the news,
Chew the fat, air some views!
No, I can’t be bothered to lumber
Off to bed, away to slumber.
Let’s have a story, read a book,
There’s got to be something worth a look.
I really don’t mean to give you lip,
I’m just not ready for a kip.
Let’s play some cards, have a brew,
Five minutes more, it’s all the same to you!”