Keep it civil.
Demanded the devils.
No matter the insult, the harm
Keep it calm.
Whatever your loss,
Remember who’s boss.
Bite your lip,
Under the whip.
Oh, we may look you in the eye,
And intimate that you should die.
But no matter the forum,
You’d best respond… with decorum.
No protest, no vigil,
Remember, better be civil.
And no demands,
Lest you feel the back of our hands.
Which is not to say you cannot hate,
Or have our permission to be irate.
But remember, it’s only at our direction.
Anything else… is insurrection.
So mind your mouth little people,
We’re the arbiters of what is, or isn’t, evil.
Manners matter, actions don’t,
We say we’ll help, you know we won’t.